Monday, June 2, 2008

It has been a long week and I think today is Monday.  I was suppose to work this weekend, but had to call in due to a bad head cold.  I feel much better.  It is hard to work 12 hour shifts and get little sleep plus feel crappy.  I have found that patients can always pick up on when you are sick and they instantly comment on it, like how dare you try and make me sicker!  It is a hard decision every time for me when I call in though.  I always feel I am letting my  team down.  Anyway, Kasey is rearing to go this morning.  We are getting our house ready for new hardwood floors and that means we have to pretty much move out of it.  I did my knitting room last week and now we are hitting the office today.  It was hard to see how much yarn I have and how I still feel like I don't have enough.  Seeing all of the bins stacked up by the door made me feel as though I might qualify for an Oprah segment.  This year I have been on a yarn diet, no more yarn until a few of these projects get finished.  It is going to tough now that I have joined ravelry.  But I must be practical.  Recently I purchased my future dressage dream horse, and he really has humbled me financially.  I have this wonderful mare named Ellie, who is not the most talented dressage horse, but she is a great beginners horse.  A grey thoroughbred that is sort of calm and takes care of me.  When  I started nursing school, my vet talked me into a horse that was badly injured on the racetrack and needed a home.  That is Pilgrim.  He is beautiful, but humans have not been kind to him and he can freak out about the slightest thing.  He is very attached to Ellie, and I have not been able to take her anywhere without him for years!  Thus the reason I just got Bentley a 2 year old Welsh Cob Thoroughbred cross.  The plan is for Ben to stay with Pil and Ellie and I to go and do our thing while Ben grows up and gets older, then Pil can have Ellie all to himself... retirement I guess.  So far the plan has not worked.  After Ellie and Pil beat up Ben and I had to pay several vet bills, they are all peacefully separated in the same field by a hot, hot, fence.  The saga continues, we will have to see if this works.  Guess I should write smaller entries, more often!

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