Thursday, September 4, 2008

Get out the foot spa

My career is devoted to being a Registered Nurse.  Lately as a result of our poor economy and a new hospital built very close to the hospital I work at, my employer has been in the RED!  My job has almost become un-do-able, if such a word.  I come home after my forever shift and I am utterly exhausted, emotionally and physically.  We have suffered cut back after cut back.  I guess it is nice to have job where they need you, but now they have decided we can just work a whole heck of a lot harder to try and save money.  I have turned into this psycho nurse, in my opinion, it is hard to not start laughing when everything goes a rye.  Tonight despite all of my efforts to stay totally focused and get all caught everything fell apart at the end.  That meant I had to stay an extra hour to try and set some things right.  Kasey is out of town, so the horses were crazy mad when I got home.  I cleaned stalls as fast as I could just to try and please them.  Now I am here alone and have no one to rant to, so I have blogged it.  Whew, guess I feel better.  Better get to bed so I can do it all again tomorrow.  I think I deserve a Starbucks in the morning.

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